Learn my simple work from home blogs system

This money making method was very new to me 12 months ago but I have now made quite a success of it. I set up a blog that was a diary of my weight loss diet. It was nothing too elaborate – just a simple blogger.com blog that cost me nothing to set up. People read blogs all the time and I was getting some good traffic so I decided to earn some money from my blog.

Work from home blogs are nothing new but to me it was very exciting to see all these people reading my blog. The blog made me more disciplined on my diet as I wasn't going to let my readers down by breaking my diet. One day while I was posting to my blog there was a message on the dashboard from those nice people at google suggesting I make money from my blog. What I do is put adsense onto my blog and that is what makes me money. These are the adverts you see on some websites.

Google does not make any charge for this type of blog so you can start this business for free. The really clever thing about adsense is that it can pick up the theme of your website and display only adverts that relate to that theme. This give you more chance of getting clicks on the page. When someone visits my site and clicks on one of these ads google pays me a tiny cut of the revenue for that advert.

So surprisingly my diet website was starting to pay its way. With only a few visitors to my pages in the early days there was only a small amount of income but it got more over time. Start small with one blog and see how you get on. You then add blogs to your portfolio about things that interest you and just post regularly to each blog.

You can see how easily work from home blogs can provide you with a small but easy online income,
