A lot of people think that an economic recession is bad. While that is partly true, there are certain benefits.
Start your own internet business blog to beat the recession.
When the economy is in recession, it won't be long that you will get a check from the Internal Revenue Service or IRS. This may amount from $300 to $1,200 which is the government's way to help the economy.
If you are wondering how much you will get, compute for this using the economic stimulus tax calculator. This is considered to be a rebate so if you didn't get it this year, you will in 2009. This was done when the economy was in recession in 2000 but most of the checks came in when the economy was recovering a year later.
During an economic recession, majority of bonds and stocks are undervalued. This means it is bargain to buy them right now so go for it! Before you go on a shopping spree, find out which company's shares will do better once the economy recovers. With that in mind, it will be easy to decide which one you should invest in. It is also possible to buy new homes when the prices have gone to an all time low.
One solution to curb the economic recession is for the Federal Reserve to lower interest rates. This means that as long as you have good credit ratings, you will be able to borrow money from the bank.
As a consumer, an economic recession brings tax breaks. What happens is that you don't have to pay the IRS that much this year because of a deduction for private mortgage insurance which happens to be an extension of the sales tax write off and also a boost in the alternative minimum tax exemption amount.
If you are still working, an economic recession may also increase retirement account limits. You can do this by using your rebate check to turbocharge your retirement savings and investing this in a Roth or Traditional IRA. Some people have decided to invest it in both.
Should your gross income is $100,000 and below, you can now roll over your 401(k) directly into a Roth IRA without having your funds go through a Rollover Traditional IRA first. But if your income is above $100,000, just wait until 2010 when the income limit disappears so that you too can invest this into your retirement account.
There are people who say that an economic recession is also good for the environment because the consumer will be forced to cut costs. People will more likely trade in their sports utility vehicles or SUV's for more fuel efficient vehicles. This in turn will reduce the number of carbon gases that are released into the air. Unfortunately, industries won't be able to do the same.
Instead of going to the store to buy something you like, more people will order and purchase the same items online thus increasing business over the web. The same goes for advertising because it is much cheaper to do this online that billboards or newspapers.
There are benefits to an economic recession even if many of us see that nothing good comes out of it. The only consolation is that it is only temporary and the economy will recover by late this year or early next.
You can text message me on Skype if you want to ask more questions. My account is jjenkins286,
best wishes,
Jon Jenkins.