Turnkey Packages For Your Business Model

One of the biggest market for online marketers is the class made up of - and this shouldn't shock anybody - online marketers.

One of the biggest subgroups of this market is composed of novice web businessmen who are merely getting their start in the field.  Surveys show that in the internet business industry (at least the portion that is focused on online marketing), 67% of products and services are offered with the startup online businessman in mind.

Therefore, if you want your web business to cater to online marketers, you must target entry-level web businessmen to corner a large chunk of the aforementioned market.  This would mean that you need to provide a commodity or service that startup web entrepreneurs will require.

Domain URLs?  Your commission would be too small.  Web hosting?  The established competition will gobble you up.  Mailing list tools?  Customer support may prove too onerous.  You can buy domain names from namecheap.

Here's an idea:

Turnkey packages.

Turnkey, in the context of online marketing, is a term that points to packages that can instantly be used for some earnings.  Turnkey packages are known to be "out-of-the-box," that is, all that the buyer requires to make things work can be enjoyed from the package.  No assemblies needed.  No extra services deemed appropriate. 

For example, you're in the business of selling web graphics.  Don't limit yourself to eCovers.  Don't merely sell headers and footers.  Don't just offer order buttons. 

Offer complete website packages that contain all of the aforementioned elements.  Such would be considered as turnkey simply because all the buyer will do is to publish the package under his own URL, and he'll operate a whole, functional mini site.

Going one step further, why don't you add an information product, a sales letter, and a Thank You page for a 100% turnkey online enterprise!

Novice and intermediate web entrepreneurs will go crazy over such a package, given the fact that all they are required to accomplish is to publish the mini site or sales letter, and they can start to earn some income.  They won't have to learn the ropes beforehand.  They can learn the methodologies in this industry as they go along, while reaping the fulfillment that are made possible by your turnkey offering. You can also hire SEO services to build traffic on your website.

There are many turnkey possibilities you can formulate.

The key, naturally, is to group together relevant goods and/or services into an offering that will immediately benefit the purchaser.
